What Foundation Repair Costs In Dallas, Fort Worth, TX.

If you are looking to find out what foundation repair costs in Dallas, Fort Worth, TX it’s always best to ask the experts. Foundation repair contractor costs can vary greatly during the bidding process, because some companies assume that the damage is worse than the initial evaluation shows. As a Dallas / Fort Worth property owner, you will want to have at least three evaluations made of your property before you make a decision. At Discount Foundation Repair we offer free evaluations and estimates. Keep in mind that foundation repair costs can vary depending upon many variables including:

  • Size of the foundation
  • The number of foundation piers that need leveling (this can change after the initial evaluation)
  • How advanced the foundation cracks have become
  • How low the foundation is sinking or how out of level the house, apartment, or townhome is
  • Hours of Labor
  • Unexpected damage that isn’t visible until after digging

Assessing What Foundation Repair Costs in Dallas, Fort Worth

Average fees for for fixing foundations in the Dallas / Fort Worth, TX area ranges between $3,000-$7,500, although foundation costs can vary beyond into the $15,000-$20,000 range to fix, depending upon several factors.

Smaller homes will generally cost less than their larger counterparts, apartments, or commercial properties. The larger the property, the higher the cost of the foundation repairs necessary to support the extra weight. Foundation piers cost a minimum of $300 and can easily reach $600 or more.

Keep in mind that when working on larger properties the amount of digging can greatly increase because of the number of piers needing to be lifted, increasing the labor costs.

foundation repair costs dallas fort worth

To find out more, contact Discount Foundation Repair Specialists for an accurate evaluation and estimate of your property’s foundation using our online form.

Choosing a Foundation Repair Company You Can Trust

Discount Foundation Repair Specialists has over 30 years of trusted service to the greater Dallas / Fort Worth area. Based out of Irving and Watauga, TX we have dedicated ourselves to providing honest, accurate estimates. In fact, we earned our name not by being cheap, but by maintaining integrity with our customers.

See what our customers say about our foundation repair costs:

Get Foundation Repair Evaluation Free

If you’re looking for accurately priced foundation repair, contact Discount Foundation Repair Specialists to have one of our trusted engineer approved contractors to come evaluate your foundation and determine with it requires foundation repair. Please call (972) 740-2235 or send us a message via our online form.