Foundation repairs come in many different shapes and sizes. You could have had the piers installed yourself, or bought the home after the fact. Either way, learning to watch for signs that your Concrete Piers need repairs is the first step in a long healthy foundation.
How long do Concrete Piers last
When you find out your new home has concrete piers, the first thing you will want to do is have them inspected by a trusted contractor or Foundation expert. Usually, if they have been installed correctly and no unusual circumstances have transpired, you can expect these piers to last around 75 years or more.
What Factors Play into Concrete Pier Decay
Concrete, just like a lot of other natural materials, decays over time. Luckily, it is also one of the more durable materials you can use for your foundation. There are a few things that will accelerate this decay or even cause instant damage to your piers.
- Soil and Moisture: One of the slow killers for your foundation is water. It can cause your soil to swell if there is too much of it, and shrink if there is too little. This swelling and shrinking causes your piers to shift, much like the foundation itself, and slowly impact the placement of the piers underneath your home. Displacement of the piers causes the weight of the home to be dispersed incorrectly and can cause a lot of problems.
- Freeze Line: Even in the South, the ground ends up frozen at least once or twice in the winter. Making sure your concrete Piers are below this freezing level of the soil is of the utmost importance.

- Excess water: A more immediate concern is if you allow water to pool up around your home and foundation. This not only affects any wood structures, but can cause undue pressure on your foundation and piers, causing cracks that allow more moisture into the spaces beneath your home. Mildew, bugs, and foundation damage are one of the more common problems when you have insufficient drainage around your home.
- Original Construction Methods or Materials: Sometimes, time just takes its toll. Others, the way the home was built in the first place was incorrect. As humans have progressed through time, we have found better and safer ways to build homes. When looking into an older house, always have the foundation verified before buying. Brick Piers are more common and with them, the need to have the piers redone. Even if the home is brand new, having that foundation double checked outside of your home inspector is a great idea. You never know when a corner has been cut to save time for the builder, and throw that expense right into your pocket. Bad materials, rush jobs, and shoddy craftsmanship are unfortunately still a concern even at this stage.
There are a few other factors to consider, such as natural disasters and accidents such as a tree falling on the home or a car finding its way into your living room, but these circumstances are few and far between and only rarely have a large impact on the foundation.
The fact is, concrete piers usually get installed once in a lifetime and last just as long, but you want to keep an eye out for factors that could potentially expedite their lifespan.
Concrete Pier Repair In Fort Worth
If you ever have concerns over your concrete piers, or your foundation in general, please don’t hesitate to contact Discount Foundation Repair Experts of North East Texas for your free homeowners evaluation. We are a locally owned and operated business with over 30 years of experience in all kinds of concrete pier repair and foundation leveling. Feel free to give us a call at 972-740-2235 and see what we can do for you.